Saturday, September 21, 2013

Blocked Again! @DenyseBridger

Facebook has me Blocked Again!

Once again my personal profile on Facebook has been blocked. This time for seven days, which in some respects is a better deal than the summary deactivations that used to be the result of unsubstantiated reports from disgruntled idiots. Today’s infraction was reported by a man who saw, and I quote: “A naked man–where is censorship?” The naked man he is referring to is a young model whose picture was posted to my fan page today… the most “suggestive” thing about the image was the curve of his ass showed. (I wonder how offended he would have been if this had been a nubile young woman stretched out on a table? I'm guessing that would have been very acceptable to him.)

I have a very popular page on Facebook, my Romance and Fantasy page often receives as high as 15K visitors in the run of a single week. Not dazzling numbers, but not too bad for a nobody author. The bulk of the visitors I interact with are women, and the page is set to be visible ONLY to those over 21 years of age. It’s been over a year since I did that, and the reports stopped. Today, I posted the model lying on a table, head turned to the camera. It began getting a lot of “shares” from the visitors who come to the page almost daily. TWO of those shares resulted in complaints I saw–one from the woman who said she didn’t want pictures like that on her newsfeed. (She should count herself lucky if this is the worst thing she sees, as most of us know.) The second was from the gentleman who wanted me censored. Apparently he saw fit to do just that.

My fan page is administered by four people, each of the four admins was locked out of their personal accounts until they answered the question “Do you want to unpublish your page until you have a chance to CLEAN UP your account?” Clean up the page, as if it was infested with pornography. I was the one who posted the image, and my co-admins have not had their accounts blocked, only me.

What pisses me off about this is the number of times I have seen genuinely disturbing and sexually explicit images on my own newsfeed–images that have been shared sometimes thousands of times, and have thousands upon thousands of likes. It takes time for any picture to made the rounds to that extent. Yet, a young male lying on his stomach is considered pornographic and in violation of standards. I’ve come to the conclusion that a great deal of the slant on this is if a popular page is reported, you get nailed a whole lot quicker.

For those of you out there who use Facebook and have no idea how to edit the content of your newsfeeds–learn! Please. You can remove any content from that home page that you personally find offensive for whatever reason, without reporting the individual who posted it. That person is often a stranger to you, but one of your friends chose to share something from a public page. You CAN turn off the ticker so every move your friends make is not visible to you. Of course those of you who are lurking and watching for something to jump on, that might mean you miss something, right?

For the next 7 days none of my shared media posts will be allowed to post to the over 10,000 people in my group and on my pages. None of my Twitter feed will be visible, nor my blog postings. All because a couple of people objected to this:

Yes, that is the offending image, and I’m sure you’re all shocked and appalled. The first time my account was shut down I was told using this image as a profile picture was deemed offensive and against the Terms of Service.

Apparently the graphic and explicit image of two naked men having intercourse that was shared 22,000 times wasn’t in violation, but this couple was–who knew?

See y’all in a week or so!!


  1. Oh I am so using that second photo. Take that people.

    1. *lol* Go for it, Aaron - what are the odds you won't hear so much as a squeak?? I was deactivated for 48 hours for that one!

  2. Not to worry. You will be back! I am really starting to hate facebook!

    1. Thanks, Sue. It's ironic, because mostly now I use Facebook to talk to friends. I've gotten fed up with so much of it. The hypocrisy is a major factor in why it's getting harder and harder to stomach the site for more than minutes at a time.

  3. Ah, Denyse, Denyse...whatever shall we do with you? ((Shaking head.))

    1. Amazing, isn't it, Miriam. You know me, though. I'll just carry on...

  4. I will also share your books on both my pages! So, no worries about advertising! :)

  5. Sometimes I envision those who run Facebook as sad idiots who love doing things like this to their subscribers because they've gotten addicted to the power they have. In any case, I have little to no respect for them, regardless of how difficult it could be to run such a monstrously large online entity. Heavy Sigh .....

    Oh well, one more incident to add to the list of reasons I refuse to use Facebook.

    1. Thank you, Roberta. It's a wacky world in cyberspace...the morality police are everywhere except where they should be. Who knew a well rounded butt could piss off another guy?

    2. I don't think it's the people who run Facebook because I think a lot of it is automatic based on reporting. BUT ... I think the power trip is from the people who report, either because they can then pat themselves on the back because of all the "good" they are doing, or they are just plain bullies.

  6. oh yikes.I can't stand how only so many of my "friends" can see my posts. Or playing games to get my numbers higher. Sigh for you.

    1. Thanks, Vicki. The pics have been part of my page since 2011, but every so often, someone shares a photo that comes before a moral judge, or a jealous ass, and here we are...

  7. Sorry Hon. It's not fair and rather stupid in my opinion. When I see something that I find offensive, I certainly don't try to get the person who posted it censored. I consider those images freedom of speech. I just hide the link from my newsfeed. It's easy. to do right corner click on the arrow down button and click hide.'s done. Not that much offends me. I'm an erotic romance author and sex is beautiful thing in my opinion and so is the human body. That guy was sexy not pornographic. Please. What a prude. He needs to get a life or maybe he's just jealous. Teehee. LOL

    My last book cover was pretty racy and I'm sure if he saw it he would've wanted it censored. But hey I'm a bad girl what can I say, I write for Elloras Cave....


    Erin Simone, Author xx

    1. Thanks so much, Simone. I wish supposed adults would grow up! But that's asking for some common sense, isn't it?

    2. Oops, typing on my tablet... Erin, didn't mean to mess up your name, hun.

  8. Dependson who reported the image. I think sometimes people troll through FB looking for posts to report. You don't like what's on a page, move the freak on. Why this need to control what everyone else might want to look at? And FB does not even look at what's reported, I was put in FB jail for someone reporting a link to a blog I did a guest post on. Nothing graphic on the blog or the link to it. Apparently they didn't like my opinion on grown adults acting like children and bullying others.

    1. I've done a number of posts about bullying and even sexual predators. Got a few choice in boxes, but it's always the photos that these uptight asses report. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  9. I remember a year or so ago there was a group from Australia or maybe NZ that used to post male models for something like Sexy Monday or Hunky Wednesday. Well, one day, they posted a guy dropping his pants, and let's just say the pants were a little lower than was considered in good taste by American standards. Maybe we saw three inches of what he owned. Oh, did they get into trouble! My feeling was that I friend-ed them, and I knew they would post these male models. I'll admit I was taken aback when I saw it, but I was not offended. It was more of a...Whoa! LOL But I do have granddaughters who are my friends on FB and well, they were teens at the time. But I'm not certain that they actually could see such things on my page. I think someone would have to directly post to my page and not "feed" to my page for them to see it. And it certainly wouldn't go to their page so...They do know what a male looks like and what he has.

    I've seen stuff that I thought was truly tacky on covers on Amazon and they are allowed. Yet I've seen authors busted on Amazon for covers that were tastefully done. Beats me who sets these standards and decides what is allowed and not allowed. Seems to me there's a little too much power given to individuals who can complain about the stupidest stuff.

    I have a young friend who lost her best friend and then her father to suicide in less that two years. She wrote a poem and posted it on FB. It was a sweet poem about losing people that she loved and how wrong it was for them to do it. FB ripped it down and said it glorified suicide. What??? Obviously, no one read it for it was the exact opposite.

    Wish big brother would quit worrying about the wrong stuff.

    1. I often wonder if there will ever be a day when the right stuff concerns people more than the stuff they should be ignoring. No two people have the same moral standard, no two people see the same art the same way - and the human body is nothing to be ashamed of. I'm sorry you've had the shit experience of FB that so many have. For a social network, even with the overwhelming numbers of users, there should be a way to regulate things with some common sense.

  10. Denyse, I'm sorry to hear this. Reactionary mob rule and horrible privacy policies are the main reason I stay off Facebook, even though I know it might bring me more readers. Hope your ban doesn't happen again. I'd tell the complainer to look up a Berke Breathed / Bloom County cartoon strip titled 'Offensensitivity' - and then take a chill pill.

    1. Thanks so much. I've never been convinced Facebook does anything except made us more visible - selling books isn't part of that, I'm sure. I agree, this was ridiculous, and totally unnecessary. :)

  11. Ridiculous! I get nothing from looking a a picture of a nude guy, but why should I care if others do? Why should Mr. Tightass care? People who make a crusade out of enforcing their views on the rest of us give me a pain.

    1. Thanks so much, Jim. I agree with you!! We don't need the morality police - censorship has no place in this equation.

  12. Time to start our own writers' and friends network. Instead of Facebook, we'll be . . . I don't know . . . Brainbook . . . Smartbook . . . Writebooks. Who is with me?

  13. Maybe the picture gave his putter a flutter and it bothered him. :p


    1. You might be right, CJ. I told a model friend of mine, and he was sadly amused... I have to laugh, it's too absurd not to!

  14. And yet they let some guy use a pic of himself with his no-no stick hanging out friend me with that as his profile picture? I quit using FB for most things. I like having a page I run. Web pages maybe old fashioned, but if I want to run a nekkid butt pic they couldn't really say much. FB locks you down for most anything these days. Crazy.

    1. I've had a few like that, too, Shannon. I've also reported a couple like that. Sorry, that really DOES offend and violate policy.

  15. Actually, they probably saw the 9-1-1 post below and figured you were a patriot, so since they can't block you for loving America (something that has become "Politically Incorrect" due to the POTUS we now have - maybe I can shorten that to POS)! Anyway, I think they are full of the latter initial! You Go Girl!

    1. Thank you!! Who the hell knows anymore? This kind of idiocy used to upset me, now it just irritates for awhile. Four days and 15 hours apparently before the ban is lifted.... *lol* Gives me time to find some new pictures to post! ;)

  16. Wow, those are some gorgeous pictures. Silly to block them!

    1. I know!! They're beautifully and artistically done, very sensual - not remotely offensive!! Thanks for coming by, Brenna. :

  17. Insane that they block you for some idiot complaining about a pic he got a rise out of, but they let cyberbullying go on without intervention. Geniuses.

    1. Agreed. The site is full of bullies of all types, but complaining about them gets you nowhere. Or told their shit doesn't violate policy. But let someone complain about seeing a bit of naked skin, or a glimpse of someone's ass, and BLOCK the pervert who dared to post that!! Insanity runs wild....

  18. The internet and social networking sites are a fantastic communication tool; connecting people all around the world.
    And that's also its biggest problem.
    With different people come different cultures, not all with the same sense of 'moral openness' if you see what I mean.
    It may not wholly be the image that causes offence, but the gender of the person who posted it.
    I'm not saying it's right, but it is what it is.
    Part of the outrage this image has caused may well stem from something other than just 'being a bully'.
    For example, dropping the F-word (sometimes with 'e' in place of 'u') is seen as perfectly acceptable in Ireland, yet OMG, JC etc is highly offensive.
    Judging what is acceptable to others is tough; even though 'you can just unfriend me!' seems simple enough, (and it is, BTW) but for some, the issue goes towards the general moral decline of society, and their wish to stamp out what they see as corrupt.
    It annoys (and worries) me when a country says to its immigrant population 'live here, live our rules, respect our traditions' yet said country refuses to return the favour.
    Social networking sites are just that, and take little to no account of cultural sensitivity.
    It's a shame this blocking/deactivation occurs, but looking at the wider scope and reach of them, I do understand why it occurs.

  19. Absolutely agree with you on these points, too. Respect is a two way street, how unfortunate that often times those who demand it are so ill-prepared to give it in return. Thanks for dropping by and for offering such thoughtful observations.

  20. Denyse, the two images are sooooooooooooooooooo OFFENSIVE!! I mean, my God, in a world of war, famine, hate, political games, shady economics and human suffering - these pictures make one's eyes melt in shame. And, I have to clutch my pearls in a false attack of disgust..!!!


    Stay strong and bold as you are, Denyse!! See ya in 7 days. While you're waiting to get back into FB, just keep this quote I wrote in your mind:

    "One person's sense of offense is another person's sense of spirit" - A.H. Scott 9/29/13



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